A little over two years ago, I started writing on Substack, calling my publication 'Ordinary Magic'. I’ve been writing about grief and beauty, poetry and art. Sunlight dancing on snow, the simple moments in life. While I continue to write about these pieces of ordinary life, I have been feeling pulled to deepen both my writing and what I share in my publication. Over the last year and a bit, life (and my writing) has gone through a lot of changes! Today I write to you to share some poetry and some expansions here at Ordinary Magic. If you've been here for a while or you are brand new, welcome! Welcome and I hope you'll enjoy the new things I'm bringing here.
there are neurons around your heart a field of presence radiating outwards the emotional life deeply intertwined, entrained with the intellectual brain we spiral through the dynamics of human life I am a filter for how I see the world the phenomena that I encounter shaping me, this flow of neurons between heart and brain changing how I see this world my blood pumping under skin, this sensory organ meeting the world taking information in and passing it through blood, harmonizing and warming muscles and cells sending information and impressions racing through my bodymind I am a filter for how I see the world the phenomena I encounter changing me Truly, I can only speak from this lived experience my heart constantly moving between contraction and expansion hardening and softening - a filter for my experience everything I observe, everything I feel colored by my relationship with myself. I am a filter for how I see the world the phenomena I observe, becoming part of me.
I’ll be changing the name of my publication to The Luminarium.
There are things that only the mind can understand and things that only the heart can understand and the intersection of the two is something that fascinates me - I write often about the phenomena that shape our perceptions and experiences and about my own lived experiences as a human being trying to make sense of this world. My readers receive bits of this exploration of knowing here and there, but I’ve been feeling for some time now that I want to expand my little virtual writing room.
Lately I’ve been pondering the value I want to provide to you, my readers. And as I sat and pondered I immediately thought of the word, ‘Luminarium’. A funny latin sounding word, it essentially means things pertaining to light. In an artistic sense it refers to displays of color and light. It also can literally be a lantern, something you can hold in your hand that provides light. In a more philosophical sense, it can refer to people who lead the way forward (luminaries).
When I write poetry and my little vignettes I am always hopeful that my words light the way to undiscovered landscapes within yourselves, that my words illuminate the ordinary in your own lives. When I write, often I am seeking this illumination for myself. Seeking to explore the light, color and texture of my own experiences. I feel that the word luminarium fits really well with why I write - and as an artist I wanted to provide space for my writing to expand into a wider world of exploration.
The unknowable surrounds us, and the ordinary embraces us. I am fascinated by the interplay of both, and the every day phenomena that shapes our sense of self. As of yet, I haven’t shared much of that writing here on Ordinary Magic - and so with the introduction of The Luminarium, I open up the space for my writing to expand to different areas.
Here you will find an opportunity to explore the mystery, and also to sit with the ordinary. If you’d like to hear me wax poetic about this shift in my publication you can watch the video below. You’ll want to skip to about 2 minutes in to avoid listening to me introduce The Luminarium TWICE. I could upload the better edited version but with rural internet speeds that will mean another week before I can introduce this change to you all and I really want to do it today (it’s my birthday and this is my little gift for myself).
A little Housekeeping:
You will see that the sections of my publication have changed, I have organized things a bit differently! You can still expect to see 4-6 new pieces in your inbox each month. From now on, you will receive pieces in the following *sections:
Ordinary Magic - this section will hold all the work you are already familiar with. Poetry on ordinary life, writing prompts, little essays on grief and wonder and ordinary life. These pieces will always be available to both free and paid subscribers.
Tea Talks - these are audio and video recordings that explore topics like motherhood, creativity, poetry, the intersection of happiness and meaning, etc. Tea Talks will only be available to paid subscribers, as in these recordings I go deep. You’ll also find spoken word art pieces in this section. Things you can listen to while you make a cup of tea! Paid subscribers can also submit questions or topics they would like to hear me explore, or poetry they would like me to read and discuss.
Wild Bird - this is a brand new section that will debut in late summer with content for paid subscribers only. I’ll be sending out an introduction to this section in the weeks to come!
*if you only want to receive emails from one section, I believe there is an option to subscribe to a single section. Please hit reply to this email if you have any questions about that!
My main section will be The Luminarium and in this section you’ll receive posts that will include: lists of things to read and explore, essays and poetry on the phenomena that shape our lives. Little explorations of nature and science, art and literature, spirit and religion.
For anyone considering a paid subscription, now is a good time to sign up! As of August 31st, the price for a monthly subscription will increase from $7.00 to $10.00 (this increase will not effect current paid subscribers, your monthly subscription rate will remain the same). Anyone who becomes a paid subscriber before August 31st will get the $7.00/month option for the duration that your subscription is active.
If you would like to support my work but do not want to commit to a monthly subscription you can also purchase my artwork or leave a tip by visiting this link - Buy My Art
I am so deeply appreciative of everyone who is here, opening these little missives every time I send them out. What a gift to be able to explore the light and color of our lives alongside all of you!
I love your poem about your Heart Field and how it entwines with beingness. I am deep in reflection and listening with my Heart Dimension. I was shown visual medicine in my minds eye ~ precisely what you are describing. I am noticing many receptive Voices are tuning IN with the powerful truth of our Hearts and the energy emitting from our beings. I find that curious and delightful. Loving the natural evolution of your divine creations.