Today, I want to share a personal writing practice I use when I'm stuck or bored with my life.
When we learn to accept uncertainty and the unknown, we make room for new possibilities. Life can surprise us in ways we haven't yet thought of. Instead of wishing for a specific outcome, we embrace the unknown. We learn to welcome mystery. Instead of running through our routines on autopilot, we can find pockets of wonder.
Opening to the mystery allows magic and wonder to settle into our daily lives. Naming unexpected blessings helps us trust in the surprises and wonders ahead.
I enjoy using these questions as journaling prompts. They help me tune my brain and heart back to appreciate the mystery.
Think about your life. When was the last time you experienced the breathtaking feeling of wonder? Describe it.
What about this experience filled you with awe?
What did you do today? List it out in point form.
Did you miss any moments of wonder today? If so, what were they? Describe them.
What do you find uncertain or unknown at this moment? Why does it puzzle you?
What is wonderful or magical about your own uncertainty?
These simple writing exercises are best handwritten - get the hand moving, the body involved. Allow your writing to flow in whatever direction it wants to go and just see what you uncover!
These are really good journal writing prompts. It's about time for me to go through them ---- life is a little too boring and hard these days. . .