When I was younger my great aunt would take me on occasional weekends to various antique stores. We’d comb through shelves of dusty vintage things, looking for the perfect treasure. On one of our excursions I got my hands on a working typewriter - complete with extra spools of ribbon. There was something so satisfying about typing poems and stories on paper, pushing heavy keys down and shuffling stacks of paper.
I still have that old typewriter, but have long since run out of typewriter ribbon. I do a lot of my writing by hand but when I find myself missing that typewriter experience, I head over to this website: Typewrite Something.
It’s a typewriter simulator, if you will, and kind of fun to play around with. Sometimes I find that the different tactile experience brings out different kinds of words and ideas. I often leave these pieces raw and unfinished - sometimes they are never finished and instead spark other pieces.
Here is a small collection of recent pieces I’ve been playing around with - is there one you’d like to see finished? If so, tell me which one!
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I'm most intrigued by the first one about wonder, but would welcom more of any or all of them.