There are but a few days of summer left, and I feel the inevitable arrival of fall looming with its colder mornings and promises of darker evenings. Dare I say I'm not ready for the shift in seasons?
Although, I find that each season ignites a different creative energy and always changes the projects I am working on, infusing a little of the season into each piece.
Today I write to you, sweet readers, with another little poem and a reminder that in September, my monthly subscription raises to $10/month. If you become a paid subscriber now, you'll be able to lock in at $7/monthly.
On to the poetry:
words like rain drip drip dripping down the page trickling drizzling sliding down down down into muddled puddles of meaningless and meaningful paragraphs ripples spreading outwards to the farthest reaches of the pool until finally slow slow slowing down to nothing
I also want to direct you to these two pieces I shared awhile ago as I feel like they share those late summer feelings of change and melancholy:
What a beautiful, calming and soothing piece Raine 🤍